What do you call a person that has to have everything their way ?

Control Freak tend to have a psychological need to be in charge of things and people – even circumstances that cannot be controlled. The need for control, in extreme cases, stems from deeper psychological issues such as obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders or personality disorders.

The colloquialism control freak usually describes a person with an obsession with getting things done a certain way. This is why a control freak can become distressed when someone causes a deviation in the way they prefer to do things.

A control freak can also be considered as a person who tries to make others do things the way that they want, even if the other people prefer to do it another way, and even if the initial person has no good reason for interfering.

This expression was first introduced around the 1960s.

The Most Video view hit 1 trillion view Minecraft

The Minecraft community have generated so much content on

YouTube, that when the trillionth click was clacked this video appeared.

Welcome to a world that the community inspired, with their seemingly endless creativity and love for a little game about blocks. A trillion views means A LOT of content, so we couldn’t fit it all in there but can you spot all the references in our #Minecraftmuseum? Be warned, you might have to watch it a trillion times to catch them all.
